What is XDC Network (XDC)?

November 9, 2023 - 4 min. read
What is XDC Network?


DC Network is a hybrid blockchain that was first launched in 2017 with the mission to transform the trade finance industry by enabling Real-World Assets & financial tools to be tokenised and integrated into the blockchain.

The XDC Network runs on the Delegated-Proof-of-Stake (XDPoS) consensus mechanism and merges public blockchains’ transparency with private blockchains’ security to create the most idealistic hybrid network!

What is XDC Network?

What is the XDC Network trying to achieve?

Simply put, to revolutionise the world of traditional trade and finance through the power of smart contracts. The network is capable of facilitating 2,000 TPS at extreme speeds and ridiculously cheap transactional fees!

XDC offers an incredible variety of solutions for developers, enterprises and businesses in the finance industry which is valued at over $1.7 Trillion! Even if the XDC network is worth 1% of the entire Trade Finance market, the XDC network would be worth $17B alone…

XDC Trade Finance

These solutions that the XDC Network offers will introduce many major financial players to the world of blockchain technology. Here are a few key solutions:

  • Anyone can transform RWA into digital assets we know as #Crypto.
  • Regulatory supported Digital Assets
  • Anyone can utilise XDC Network’s Digital Asset Composer which allows you to create Smart Contracts, customisable NFTs, DeFi protocols and fractionalised RWAs without any code experience required!
  • A Cross-Chain Bridge to Ethereum and EVM-Compatible Networks!
  • Send/Receive cross-border and domestic payment financial data with instant settlement!
  • Create regulated & reserved Stablecoins.
  • Compliance solutions that can track, flag and verify illegitimate on-chain activities.

There are many more solutions, but these caught my attention!

XDC Network Ecosystem

Just to mention, before we dive into the ecosystem. We have listed decentralised exchanges and wallets at the end of this article under ‘How To Buy XDC’.

XDC Network Ecosystem

International Trade and Forfeiting Association (ITFA)

This is HUGE. The ITFA has been around for over 24 years and is an international trade association for companies, financial institutions and individuals and more! XDC was the first blockchain to join the ITFA and is a huge milestone that will play a key role in the future when RWAs get integrated into the blockchain.


An AI-focused identity platform with social, cashback and incentivised mining! Ecoin plans to onboard millions to billions of users!


XDC Network’s leading Borrowing & Lending platform which also has the incredible liquid staking feature that has become so popular. Fathom is the ultimate protocol for earning yield on the network!


Not ecstasy and not OpenSea. XDSea is a P2P NFT marketplace which is just like the OpenSea marketplace that is home to the Ethereum network.

Shopping .io

AliExpress has now integrated the Shopping .io platform which is connected through the XDC Network! Users can buy or sell items using XDC! You can’t tell me this isn’t bullish…

I could go through so many more, but it’s better if you take a look for yourself! Follow this link to the official XDC Network ecosystem page.

XDC Network Sponsor

A notable achievement is a sponsorship the XDC Network was able to land with DC United! DC United is a top-tier soccer/football team from Washington D.C. that has over 250k supporters!

XDC Network with Sponsor DC United

XDC Token

Powering the entire network is the native token, XDC. It is used to pay transactional fees on the network, exactly how Ethereum and other Layer 1 blockchains operate. $XDC is also used by developers/businesses that set up and create smart contracts/dApps.

XDC Token

How to Buy XDC

You can buy, swap and trade the XDC Token on most centralised exchanges and can also be held, bought or sold on decentralised exchanges within native XDC Network Wallets.

There are two main ways to buy XDC, but you will always go through a centralised exchange (CEX) or FIAT Off-Ramp. Here are the options:

Option 1- Centralised Exchange

Finding XDC on CEXs is easy and we recommend using one of these centralised exchanges when buying or trading the XDC token. Here is a list of CEXs with a few delicious promotions:

  • Binance – The most popular CEX in the world
  • BitGetTrade on BitGet and receive 0% Deposit Cashback + $5,000 DEPOSIT BONUSES
  • Coinbase – Spend $100 and Get $10 back!
  • Cryptocom – Official Fifa 2022 World Cup Sponsor

Option 2 – DeFi Wallet & Decentralised Exchange

To get started you will need a DeFi wallet and make sure to secure your seed phrase with a hardware wallet (Trezor/Ledger):

If you are buying XDC through your DeFi wallet, we listed two decentralised exchanges for you to swap or trade assets that are available on the network.

There are a few decentralised exchanges in the ecosystem, but these are the most used and popular DEXs in the ecosystem.


We all know that blockchain technology is about to revolutionise the entire world. Everything will be shifted onto the blockchain and it will open the gates to protocols like the XDC Network that focus on the tokenisation of real-world assets (RWAs).

XDC Network Stats

At the time of writing, the XDC token is priced at $0.0542 with a market cap of over $750M. XDC once peaked at $0.19+ and had a market cap of over $2.2B! The XDC Network will thrive in the next bull run and especially the RWA narrative!

XDC Network Links

XDC Network Twitter

XDC Website