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Meet Our Founder Sjuul (AltCryptoGems)
Sjuul achieved financial independence by immersing myself in the world of cryptocurrency over the course of a few years. Through early adoption, self-education, learning from his mistakes, and sheer hard work, he managed to attain his goals. Since earning his first income, he has been fully engrossed in the concept of FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Living a frugal lifestyle and investing in crypto coins have always been his approach, with a strong belief in diversifying his portfolio beyond solely cryptocurrency holdings.
His journey in cryptocurrency began in 2016. In 2017, he experienced significant financial gains, only to see it all disappear in 2018. However, the belief that lightning could strike twice motivated him to persevere. In 2020, he reinvested in the market and made calculated trades, leading to his financial independence during the major bull run in 2021.
Furthermore, he ventured into the world of DeFi in late 2020. It was in DeFi that he encountered some of his most successful trades. By being an early adopter in projects such as BNB, Pancakeswap, LUNA, and others, Sjuul has managed to build a substantial portfolio.
This experience taught him the invaluable lesson that being ahead of the curve is crucial for achieving substantial success, rather than merely earning modest returns.
During the bull run in 2021, Sjuul started to spread his knowledge and created his Twitter page, @AltCryptoGems, which to this day has more than 300,000 followers. In the past few years, Sjuul has expanded his reach to a total of more than 700,000 followers, with a monthly reach of over 25M impressions.
The knowledge that he has gained and lessons that he has learned is what Sjuul likes to talk about, and share on his pages. This lead to AltCryptoTalk, a platform where EVERYTHING crypto related comes together, to educate people that are interested in the magnificent world of crypto currency.