ormer President of the USA Donald Trump and his own family have announced ambitious plans to create a new decentralized finance (DeFi) platform  called “The DeFiant Ones” entering the world of cryptocurrencies.  

The DeFiant Ones: A New Financial Option

The announcement was made by Donald Trump on the social media platform Truth Social, he mentions that the goal of this platform is to create a new digital service that could compete with traditional banks. A lot of people showed interest in his idea and supported it, with the telegram group already attracting 30,000 members. Donald Trump's son Eric Trump sees the platform as “digital real estate“  with the goal of tokenizing RWA. 

Trump Family Points to Crypto Growth
Trump Family Points to Crypto Growth

Trump's Evolving Crypto Stance

Although Trump was once a skeptic of the crypto industry, This move by Trump highlights his positive stand concerning cryptocurrencies. He has not only endorsed Bitcoin publicly but is also working towards building projects in the industry. Moreover Trump recently spoke at the Bitcoin 2024 conference and stated that he would like to make America a crypto superpower if he is to be re-elected.

Political Implications

The plans to launch the DeFi platform comes at a strategic timing, where Trump is a candidate for the next presidential elections, which could influence his political agenda. Moreover the Republican Party has also endorsed crypto especially Bitcoin Mining.

Politics Meets Crypto

The move by the Trump family’s involvement in the DeFi  space highlights that cryptocurrency is gradually becoming acceptable in politics. Although the details of the platform are still unknown, it has already attracted much attention and followers. 

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