avel Durov, the 39 year old founder of Telegram, was arrested in France and the news sent shockwaves through the technology and cryptocurrency industries, worrying investors and affecting the future of the telegram token TON.
The Arrest
Durov was first detained at Le Bourget airport by the French police because of the warrant for the search linked to severe accusations against Telegram.
The French investigators accused the founder of offering features that helped commit multiple crimes through the telegram platform. Some of the charges that are possibly to be leveled against Durov are terrorism, drug trafficking, and fraud.
Impact on TON Cryptocurrency
After Durov’s arrest, TON, the in-built cryptocurrency of Telegram, experienced a sharp decline of 16% in price decline in less than an hour. This drop was mainly due to fear that Durov’s escalation could worsen, and in turn affect the future of the TON token.
Global Implications
The arrest indicates France’s position on digital privacy and crime and may set the trend for the regulation of encrypted messaging applications across the world.
Privacy vs. Law Enforcement
The arrest of Durov and its consequences demonstrate the further conflict between the protection of the rights to privacy and the pursuit of justice with major consequences for the development of the encrypted messaging services and the cryptocurrencies associated with them.