hina is making significant strides in the world of Web3 development, with plans to create a strategic document that will guide the growth of China's Web3 ecosystem.

This document will encompass various aspects of Web3 technologies, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized applications (DApps), cross-chain interoperability, and privacy computing.

Chinese Flag and Connecting Technology
Chinese Flag and Blockchain Tech

Supporting the Growth of Web3 Technologies

The Chinese central government has recognized the potential of Web3 technologies and aims to support their growth through this strategic document. NFTs, which have gained immense popularity in recent times, will be a key focus area.

These digital assets have revolutionized the art and collectibles industry, and China aims to harness their potential for economic growth.

DApps are another crucial aspect of Web3 development that China seeks to embrace. These applications, built on blockchain technology, offer decentralized and transparent solutions across various industries.

By fostering the development of DApps, China aims to promote innovation and efficiency in sectors such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.

Cross-Chain Interoperability for Seamless Integration

Cross-chain interoperability is a fundamental element of Web3 development that China intends to prioritize. With the proliferation of different blockchain networks, the ability to seamlessly transfer assets and data between these networks becomes crucial.

China's strategic document will focus on exploring and implementing cross-chain interoperability solutions to facilitate efficient and secure transactions across multiple chains.

Data privacy and security are paramount in the digital age, and China recognizes the importance of privacy computing in Web3 development.

The strategic document will outline measures to enhance privacy protection for individuals and organizations. By leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques and decentralized infrastructure, China aims to establish a robust framework for secure data storage and transmission.

Strengthening Technical Research and Supervision

To ensure the successful implementation of the strategic document, China plans to strengthen technical research and supervision in the field of Web3 development. Research institutions will be supported in their exploration of cross-chain interoperability, privacy computing, and smart contracts.

This focus on research and development will drive innovation and pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in the Web3 industry.

Blockchain Security, Supervision, and Governance

Blockchain security, supervision, and governance are essential for the sustainable growth of the Web3 ecosystem. China's strategic document will emphasize the importance of establishing robust security measures, effective supervision mechanisms, and transparent governance frameworks.

By ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of blockchain systems, China aims to create a conducive environment for Web3 development.

Promoting Public Awareness and Academic Progress

Enhancing public understanding of Web3 technologies is crucial for their widespread adoption. China will leverage science popularization platforms to promote awareness of distributed digital identity, digital asset management, and other aspects of Web3.

Additionally, the government will actively support academic progress and technological achievements in the Web 3.0 industry, driving further innovation and growth.

China has already started deploying Web3 applications across various sectors, including healthcare, education, and tourism. The government has organized blockchain innovation pilot initiatives in collaboration with different departments, leading to successful use cases in energy, copyright protection, rule of law, and trade finance.

This demonstrates China's commitment to the practical implementation and integration of Web3 technologies.

Verification of Identities through Blockchain

China's adoption of blockchain technology goes beyond Web3 development. The government has unveiled plans to use blockchain for the verification of real-name identities of its vast population.

This initiative, named RealDID, will leverage decentralized identity (DID) addresses and private keys to ensure secure and anonymous registration and login on websites.

This approach emphasizes privacy and data protection.

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