n a recent Bloomberg interview, Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, discussed the possibility and potential impact of an XRP exchange-traded fund (ETF). His comments come amid growing interest in crypto ETFs and their role in providing investors with diversified exposure to digital assets.

Ripple's Stance on XRP ETF

Garlinghouse expressed his support for an XRP ETF, stating, "We would certainly welcome it," signaling Ripple's positive outlook towards the expansion of ETF offerings in the crypto market. However, he remained tight-lipped about any ongoing discussions or concrete plans to pursue such a fund, particularly in collaboration with major asset managers like BlackRock.

Speculations and Reality

Despite rumors and a fake filing suggesting BlackRock's interest in an XRP ETF, Garlinghouse clarified that no such ETF currently exists in the US, though XRP exchange-traded products (ETPs) are available in European markets. This distinction underscores the speculative nature of the market and the need for clarity and official announcements.

Anticipation for a Diverse ETF Landscape

The Ripple CEO predicted the emergence of various crypto ETFs, emphasizing the importance of diversification in investment strategies. He compared the evolving crypto ETF market to the early days of the stock market, highlighting the preference for diversified risk across multiple assets.

Future Expectations and Regulatory Hurdles

Garlinghouse speculated on the creation of ETF baskets for further risk diversification and expressed his disappointment with the SEC's delayed approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs, which came after legal challenges. He advocated for the broader adoption of crypto ETFs, praising their potential to enhance market safety and robustness.

Ripple's Supportive Outlook on Crypto ETFs

Brad Garlinghouse's comments reflect Ripple's openness to the development of an XRP ETF and a broader, more diversified ETF market. While specific plans remain undisclosed, Ripple's enthusiasm for such financial products underscores the potential for growth and innovation in the crypto space.

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