n amount in the region of $35 million from a mega crypto hack has been moved to Huione Guarantee a mega online marketplace known for its association with scammers for money laundry activities with Lazarus emerging as the leading suspect. 

A popular Japanese cryptocurrency exchange DMM, 2 months ago, suffered a mega loss of $305 million equivalent to 4,502.9 in Bitcoin in a phishing scam that resulted from a compromise in the company’s private key. Following the incidents, many activities including new account openings and buying new spot orders were put on hold as they intended to investigate the scam.

ZachXBT Report on $35m DMM Crypto Hack 

ZachXBT tweeted that $35 million of the stolen funds had been funneled to a Huione Guarantee, an online marketplace in Cambodia via laundering.

Screenshot of Zach XBT twitter regarding the scam
ZachXBT report (Source: ZachXBT X)

With several entities emerging as potential suspects, a North Korean Cybercrime operation known as Lazarus has been considered the leading suspect in the $305 million hack as a comparison has been drawn from several transactions initiated by the group.

Part of the funds slightly over $28 million could not be moved to Huione Guarantee from the known address due to being blacklisted.

Zach XBT's tweet showing blacklisted wallet
Blacklisted Wallet Address (Source: ZachXBT X)

With many efforts to combat crime in progress, records have shown that over $1 billion has been stolen from crypto phishing scams with many centralized exchanges emerging as potential targets for scammers.

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