Launched in 2017, Streamr provides a global marketplace where data can be freely shared, bought, and sold without intermediaries. This decentralized approach eliminates the middleman, allowing individuals and companies to tap into the value of data streams and build applications that require real-time data inputs.

Today, we will cover the following topics:
- About Streamr
- How does Streamr work?
- Key Features
- Technical Analysis
- Why is DATA The Coin of the Week?

About Streamr (DATA)

What is Streamr?

Streamr (DATA) is a decentralized platform built to enable real-time data sharing and monetization through a global peer-to-peer network.

It uses blockchain technology to provide a secure, scalable, and permissionless infrastructure for data exchange, allowing users to publish and consume real-time data streams.

A screenshot from Streamr front page showing its network and how it is all connected.
Streamr Website - Front Page

The platform operates through a publish-subscribe (pub-sub) model, ensuring fast and reliable data communication.

By leveraging Ethereum-based smart contracts, Streamr ensures trustless transactions, making it a key player in the evolving Web 3.0 data economy.

Dig deeper into Streamr whitepaper.

DATA Token

The DATA token is an ERC-20 token powering the Streamr platform, facilitating transactions within its decentralized real-time data marketplace.

It incentivizes participants, such as data producers and broker nodes, to contribute resources like computing power and bandwidth to ensure efficient data delivery.

A sketch showing how DATA token utility within the Streamr ecosystem.
DATA token

DATA tokens are used for payments on the platform, while also driving the tokenomics of the network, rewarding nodes for maintaining stable and secure data streams.

With a total supply nearing 1 billion, the DATA token is listed on various exchanges, making it accessible to a broad range of users.

How does Streamr work?

Streamr operates as a peer-to-peer network where publishers create data streams, and subscribers can access them in real time.

Data streams, originating from sources like IoT devices or financial feeds, are exchanged via a decentralized network. Subscribers can access free or paid streams using DATA tokens, ensuring secure, scalable data sharing.

Publisher and Subscriber Nodes

Publishers provide real-time data streams to the network, while Subscribers consume and relay the data. Publishers earn DATA tokens, and Subscribers can pay tokens to access premium data, enabling seamless real-time information flow.

A sketch showing how Streamr works by connecting publishers to subscribers through Streamr protocol.
Streamr Architecture

Broker Nodes and Delegators

Broker nodes maintain the network’s operation by staking DATA tokens and ensuring data flows smoothly. Delegators stake their DATA tokens with Brokers, earning a share of rewards without running nodes themselves.

The Role of Smart Contracts

Streamr uses smart contracts to manage data transactions, ensuring transparency and security. These contracts automate stream permissions and validate transactions, making data exchange secure and efficient across the platform.

Key Features

Decentralized Data Marketplace

Streamr offers a platform where users can buy and sell real-time data streams directly, enabling data monetization without intermediaries. This decentralized marketplace allows individuals and organizations to trade data securely and efficiently.

Peer-to-Peer Architecture

Streamr operates through a decentralized peer-to-peer network, removing the need for centralized servers. This architecture enhances security, scalability, and efficiency by utilizing independent nodes to relay and validate data streams.

Real-Time Data Delivery

Streamr’s system is designed to handle real-time data transmission, supporting applications in fields like IoT, financial trading, and AI. The network’s scalability allows for the processing of large volumes of data with minimal latency.

Node Participation and Incentives

Users can contribute to the network by running Broker nodes on their devices. These nodes validate and relay data while earning DATA tokens, incentivizing participation and ensuring the network remains robust.

Support for Various Applications

Streamr is highly versatile, supporting a range of use cases, including gaming, IoT messaging, decentralized finance (DeFi), and smart cities. Its infrastructure is adaptable for different industries that require real-time data processing.

Scalable and Secure Data Transmission

By using a publish-subscribe model, Streamr ensures that data is distributed efficiently to those who need it. Events are cryptographically signed to guarantee data integrity and protect against tampering.

Data Ownership and Monetization

Streamr empowers users by allowing them to retain ownership of their data and choose how it is monetized. This shifts control away from large corporations and back to the individuals or entities generating the data.

Technical Analysis

Just like the entire market, as mentioned in our market outlook last week, DATA has been hovering within a wide range.

The range for DATA forms a symmetrical triangle, and this week it is rebounding from the lower bound.

Therefore, we will be watching for short-term and medium-term long opportunities as long as the triangle pattern holds.

DATA daily chart hovering within a big range in the shape of a symmetrical triangle and currently rejecting its lower bound.
DATA Chart - Daily Timeframe

Why is DATA The Coin of the Week?

We have selected DATA as the Coin of the Week due to its groundbreaking approach to real-time data monetization and decentralized exchange.

In a world where data is more valuable than ever, Streamr offers a secure and scalable platform that empowers individuals and companies to take control of their data.

From a TA perspective, DATA has been holding firmly within a range while many altcoins are either surging or declining.

This resilience suggests that it could perform exceptionally well once the true bull run is confirmed, particularly after breaking above the $0.04 mark.

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