What is BIGA Arcade?

December 22, 2023 - 2 min. read
What is BIGA Arcade? $BIGA


nter an arcade where you play to earn and own the levels you win… Just wait, it gets better. What if, for every level you owned, you generated passive income?
That would be insane right? Yep, welcome to the ultimate Web3 Arcade where gamers truly own everything, BIGA arcade.

What is BIGA Arcade?

BIGA arcade is a first-of-its-kind GameFi protocol with multiple games where gamers can compete, play, earn and own levels they win. This is Miniclip reimagined on the blockchain, but you can Play-to-Earn and earn passive income with the levels you own!

Before we get into the growing collection of arcade games, it’s best to understand how the BIGA arcade works. Obviously, as a P2E protocol, you can simply play games and earn crypto, but the innovation lies in the new level-owning mechanism available for ALL gamers on BIGA…

BIGA Games, BIGA Arcade Games, P2E Games, Crypto Games, Crypto Arcade
BIGA Arcade Games (22nd December)

How Does BIGA Arcade Work?

For once in gaming history, when a gamer defeats and wins a level, they own it. What does this mean? Well, now every time someone else goes to play that level, all the revenue generated will be sent over to the owner of the level, aka the original winner of the level!

As you can imagine if hundreds or even thousands of gamers are playing your levels all day, you can expect a delicious stream of passive income all in $ETH and $USDC. Each game on the platform has 100 levels, so you can fight to own and earn as much as possible!

Listen to this, this is genius. The BIGA arcade has introduced what’s called Level Owned Liquidity Pools. Each level owner will have their wallet address delegated to that specific pool and from there the liquidity pool automatically sends all the funds to the owner!

To play games on BIGA, you will need to deposit $BIGA tokens. To withdraw your $BIGA and assets from the game, simply withdraw and choose the token to swap back into, either $ETH, $USDC or $USDT. At the moment, the game is completely free to use… which leads me to the airdrop!

How does BIGA Arcade work? BIGA Arcade explained, Level owned liquidity explained
How Does the BIGA Arcade Work? (Source: BIGA Arcade Whitepaper)


Do you want to get your hands on the $BIGA airdrop? Then all you have to do is start playing now, for FREE! The great thing is, to start playing, you don’t even need to connect a wallet. All you need is an email address and you’re good to go!

There is a lot of potential for the BIGA arcade. Web3 rewards innovation, especially when it involves the community. Gamers will now get paid for their hard work, even while they’re sleeping and you’re telling me this won’t be one of the biggest gaming platforms in Web3?

If you want to start owning levels and earning serious passive income, then the best idea would be to start practising now while the BIGA arcade is in BETA. Oh and of course you will get your hands on the $BIGA airdrop just by being one of the early users!

Official BIGA Arcade Links

BIGA Arcade X – @BIGAarcade

BIGA Arcade Website (Register)